Providing you with the information you need to get started on your breastfeeding journey

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What You'll Learn

Learn about  breastfeeding, newborn sleep and adjusting to parenthood.

  • A full explanation of breastfeeding & how to get started
  • Understanding infant sleep & managing the first weeks
  • Plus, adjusting to parenthood for Mums, dads & as a united couple

It also includes practical demonstrations and video tutorials to help parents gain confidence in their abilities.

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Who Is It For?

The 'Breastfeeding Essentials' course is suitable for both first-time parents and those who are looking to refresh their knowledge.

It is also an excellent resource to have nearby after your baby is born. Having a 'lactation consultant' in your pocket 24 hours a day will give you the safety and security you need, so you don't feel alone during those late night panics.

Evidence Based

Best practices in newborn care. Based on the latest research and is regularly updated to ensure it remains relevant and accurate.

Self Paced

The course is delivered online and is self-paced, making it convenient for busy parents to complete in their own time.

Meet Wendy

Wendy is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who has been working with babies and their families for over 37yrs. She is a qualified Neonatal Nurse and has extensive knowledge on infant feeding and infant sleep. She is passionate about helping parents prepare for the upcoming birth of their baby. Wendy believes that being prepared for the birth of the baby is important - but so many parents forget to prepare to take a new baby home! Knowing what to expect when it comes to feeding your baby as well as what will happen with their sleep is so vitally important that Wendy has made it her mission to educate herself on all things baby.

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